

My name is Helga.
I hope you’ll enjoy your visit here!
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Under “Blog”, all my blog entries.
Under Hiking guide, my organized excursions.
Under Photographer, my portfolio
No fuss!

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A breakfast for fighters!

A breakfast for fighters!

In my search for simplifying life and “detoxication” of my environment, I, last autumn, started to create my own “breakfast for fighters”.

It’s been so easy and feels so good to start the day knowing that everything in your breakfast is guaranteed healthy with no strange additives!
So what is it composed of?

-Fresh juice from garden fruit
-A boiled egg from our hens
-Homemade yogurt
-Granola made with organic, local ingredients
-Homemade sourdough bread made with organic flour from a local mill, with homemade marmalade

(I stopped drinking coffee some months ago when I started taking an integrator (b-epic), and don’t miss it a bit, AND my stomach is really grateful! It’s full of natural substances and raw ingredients that have been used for centuries in traditional health practices around the world and it leaves me focused and full of energy all day. Visit their site or send me a message if you like to know more).


Here comes the recipes for granola, bread, and yogurt. It’s not hard at all, and doesn’t take much time! Try to get the ingredients organic if possible!


1 dl nuts of your choice, chopped
4 dl oats
1 dl grated coconut
1 dl juice of your choice or water
0,5 dl honey
1 spoon cinnamon
1 dl raisins or other dried fruit
1 dl of seeds of your choice, (flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds…)

Mix together everything and spread on a baking paper, roast in the oven (175 degrees celsius) for 20 min, giving a stir at half time.


1 l fresh milk
2 spoons yogurt

Heat up the milk to 84 degrees Celcius, let cool down to 44 degrees, take 1 cup of the milk and mix with the yogurt (for the first batch you need to buy a good fat yogurt, then you can use your own), mix with the rest of the milk and pour it in a thermos (I’m using a big food thermos), and put it to bed until the next day! YES, I’m not joking, you need to keep the temperature constant for at least 8 hours, so put the thermos in a warm blanket and let the magic begin.
The next day your yogurt is ready, put it in a jar in the cooler.


Mix 200 g water and 150 g flour, let it rest 2 days (in ambient temp, use a big container, the dough will grow!)
Add 100 g water and 80 g flour, let it rest 1 day
Add 100 g water and 80 g flour, let it rest 1 day
Ready to use!

Always leave some of the sourdough to the next time. The day before you want to use it, “feed” it with flour and water to a semi-liquid consistency.

350 g water
750 g flour of your choice
200 g sourdough
10 g yeast
10 g honey
16 g salt

Mix cold water and yeast, add the sourdough, honey, approximately 75% of the flour, and work the dough in the assistant for 6 min, add salt and the rest of the flour and work for another 6 min.
Let rest for 2 hours
For the dough into two pieces of bread, let rest for another 1,5 hours.
Bake at 220 degrees Celsius for 25 min. (If you like the bread more “crispy”, spray some water in the oven)

Dreaming of a night at the Blakes

Dreaming of a night at the Blakes

Some Christmas-goodies!

Some Christmas-goodies!