

My name is Helga.
I hope you’ll enjoy your visit here!
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Under “Blog”, all my blog entries.
Under Hiking guide, my organized excursions.
Under Photographer, my portfolio
No fuss!

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Mind traveling

My mind is chaos right now. I’m trying to understand if we’ll be able to go to Sweden and our beloved Körsbärsgården to finally start up this season in the Bistro, and when! There’re so many loose ends! And it’s making me crazy!!

We’ve been counting on how much we’ll have to gain per day to pay a minimum of personnel, to see if it would be doable if the tourism will be locked out of the island the whole summer, and we’ve decided that we can take the risk.
But then it’s the next problem, the travel… we’re on an island under lockdown. The only air tickets for sale are for “continuitá territoriale”, which means I need to be resident here to buy, which I’m not…. And of course, the company in question doesn’t answer the phone…
If we go to Sweden and work, we’ll be living at the same property as my parents, that are in the risk group… are we willing to take the risk of contaminating them??
The child care rules are very strict now, even with the smallest hint of a cold you need to keep the children at home, how can we manage that with both of us working and no nanny, no other personnel in place and the grandparents in the risk group…?
There’s also a big risk that we won’t be allowed to return to Sardinia after the summer…. if the situation is still bad in Europe… and our whole life is here in Sardinia! Our possibility to live without spending much. What would we do in super-expensive Sweden without work in November??
The embassy can’t give any answers, the Italian offices doesn’t even answer on the phone or e-mail….
And my head is swirling with thoughts!
Not very focused on blogging as you can understand….
But I’ll give you some candy for your imagination, some gems from the neighborhood, to be savored IRL someday in the future? For once I would like the time to go a little faster so we can put all of this behind us.

Our village Cuglieri and walks along the coast in our twin village Santa Caterina and S’Archittu. The ruins of Cornus from Fenician times. Casteddu Etzu, the fortress above Cuglieri…

Bosa and the coastline to Alghero, Tinnura with it’s murales, the nuragic village Tamuli and Santulussurgiu in the mountains.

An old paper factory near Sennariolo, Oristano, the religius village of San Salvatore, The roman town Tharros, a salt lake and the lovely beaches of Putzu Idu and Mare Ermi.

A boat procession in Marceddì!

A boat procession in Marceddì!

The stillness of the night

The stillness of the night