

My name is Helga.
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Caccia Grossa -The wild boar hunt

Caccia Grossa -The wild boar hunt

In Sardinia at this time of year every Sunday it's wild boar hunt. As I have understood it there was an original Sardinian species of wild boar that was almost extinguished, and they, therefore, planted in a species from the mainland. But since this new branch makes more piglets a year they now have a problem of overpopulation instead... So that's why this organized hunt. In my village, it's a really big event! Everyone is talking about the hunt during these three months... They're about a dozen hunting companies of different sizes in Cuglieri. The companies are divided between hunters and beaters that together form a big circle and then the beaters try to drive the wild boars towards the hunters with the help of dogs, smoke and noise. After the hunt, you gather on the companies premises to prepare the animals and to eat and drink together. The meat then is divided between all the participants the day after. It's become a very social event the keeps people together during the cold months.

I was a vegetarian for 15 years before moving to Sardinia, and of course, I've divided feelings about this topic... BUT if we're going to eat meat, this is the kind of meat we ought to eat if you ask me. Animals that's been free and happy all the way to the end.

As a photographer, the hunting fascinates me and I've been following a couple of companies during the years. It's also an excellent opportunity to get to see places in the mountains that I would never reach on my own. And before I got a family it was also a big part of my social life (!) since the village is kind of dead Sundays with everyone in the woods, hehe!

I've chosen to show only pictures without the animals here because I'm sure there's many of you that prefer not to see them. Although, if you eat meat, you should also be able to kill and butcher an animal if you ask me. Steak doesn't grow on a tree...



Prehistoric traditions in Ottana

Prehistoric traditions in Ottana